Friday, September 28, 2007

Robespierre and The Reign of Terror

After the French revolution change into democracy didn't happen right away.It did happen but first came the The Reign of Terror.

In this time the radical group Jacobin took control of France and started cutting of the heads of everybody who was connected to the old regime. Even if you were accused you could have your head cut off.
Then there was a huge power struggle and Maximilien Robespierre took control. He tried to wipe out the revolutionists.Then the people got pissed of at Maximilien Robespierre and arrested him and cut his head off. Then France settled down with democracy.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

The French Revolution: Social Causes

There were many causes of The French Revolution. The biggest cause was the enlightenment thinkers who caused the third estate to think differently. the first estate was the clergy which owned most of the land and paid some of the taxes.the second class the nobles had a lot of land and paid no taxes.the third estate the presents had the most population but paid the highest taxes.
the presents saw what the enlightenment thinkers were doing and decided to do the same. seeing how unfair it was the peasants formed a group and took over the Bastille. and from there the french revolution took place.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Copernicus and the trial of Galileo

Copernicus was a astronomer who made heliocentric was the theory that the sun was the center of the solar system. This theory opposed the geocentric theory, in which the earth is the center of the universe.
Galileo had proved the geocentric theory false by using his knowledge of math and science.then he was put on trial for that by the the trial he took back what he said about the geocentric theory being false.

Scientific Revolution: Scientific Method

the Scientific Method is a way of proving Scientific consists of a Test, Observations, Hypothesis, Predictions all conist with the was the knew was of thinking during the Scientific Revolution.theyu use this to make or test a theory.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Evolution vs Creation

The theory of evolution was made by Darwin. he noticed how the finches had adapted to there environment and came up with the theory that man evolved from apes.Darwin made some ting called natural slection.natural slectgion is the fact when some new change occurs to someone there off spring inherit the trait soon the old image dies out and the new image is how we see it.

the theory of creation is what the religous people belived. what it basicly is that god created everything. it the bible's theory of adam and eve,and most
religous people belived this.