Monday, January 14, 2008

Joseph Stalin and Totalitarianism

Totalitarianism is the concept in where a person controls every aspect
of someones lives. Joseph Stalin controlled most Russia with
Totalitarianism and used it for the longest time. The Five Year Plan
was a plan to bring Russia up to date with the rest of the countries. The great purges when he started to execute anyone who threatened his rule.Joseph Stalin was just a dictator like Adolf Hitler only he dint start another world war. so in conclusion if you give total power and trust to one person he will betray you.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Film Lesson: Doctor Zhivago

In the movie Doctor Zhivago the Russian Revolution took place. the
communistwanted to change the way the Russians lived so it would be a Communist
country. They got rid of the Czars.Then Changed their Economy and the
way they lived. The Revolution happened because the Russians were tired
of beingcontrolled and didn't want any thing to do with the czar. the
film depicted Communism as a controlling government the just barged in
to other peoples houses. when Zhivago returned the Communist were in
his house and taking his stuff according to them there was room for 30
families in His house so the decided to share.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

the causes of WWI

WWI started all because of one crazy extremist that killed Franz Fredinad.and
because he was Siberian Austria-Hungary declared war on Siberia. so
Russia helped up Siberia and then Germany started to help Hungary.
France and England also joined to help Serbia. They all hadmilitary power.And it was called the great war until WWII.eventually Serbia and allied counties won.

The Opium War

The Opium Wars happend between England and China. Opium, a drug that is illegal in England. English sold it/traded it to the Chinese even thoug it was ilegal. The Emperor tried to stop England from trading Opium to people, because it was damaging China's economy. not to mention its people. Chinese people were getting addicted to Opium. the empror tirid to stop the by using force and hhe failed badly. england continued to sell opium.